Private instruction with Larry Emery is available using the following fee schedule:
1/2 hour of instruction - $50 ($40 for member / pass-holder)
1 hour of instruction - $75 ($60 for member / pass-holder)
Please phone or email for availability.
Junior Golf Program at Kokopelli (for beginning junior golfers)
The junior golf program will begin on Wed. June 8th. This year there will be ten sessions in the program. The final one on August 17th.
Cost for the program will be $70 for members and $140 for non-members or per session $10 for members & $20 for non-members.
Juniors will play after the intruction. Non-members in the program can play nine holes for $7 or eighteen holes for $10. Special greens fee available only as part of the junior program.
The Kokopelli Junior Klassic will be held on July 20th.
Kokopelli Junior Elite Golf 2011! (for junior golfers with experience)
This is a program for the junior golfer who is playing in tournaments, high school golf team, or college golf. Each week Larry will take a maximum of 4 players on the course for nine holes followed up by another hour on the practice tee/green.
We will start at 8am on Thursdays from June 2nd thru August 11th. The price ($75/ $60 Kokopelli member) will be weekly so golfers may attend by calling Larry (727-3383) to schedule. Hopefully more golfers will take advantage of the flexibility of being able to attend the days that their schedules allow.
This is designed to give the junior golfer weekly private instruction June thru August. Instruction to be scheduled on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday each week. Cost is $500.
Locally the SIGA will be publishing area clubs summer tourneys. For more competition check out the Gateway PGA Junior Tournaments and a new summer program called Accelerated Golf Tour also played around metropolitan St. Louis.